Confidence Thinking

In all this thinking about thinking, I realize that I have been espousing a way of being with my clients that is really based on a mentality, and feeling of, confidence.

  • Confidence in your own abilities to handle whatever may arise in your life
  • Confidence that this is essentially a good a universe (remember Einstein’s challenge to us?)
  • Confidence that everything is working for the best, in the long term, without any attachment to any individual happenings going any certain way
  • Confidence in your own inner goodness, so that you are willing to own your own truths, be honest about your desires, hold your own standards for yourself, express your boundaries and speak from the heart in your communications
  • Confidence in your ability to handle emotions, such that you allow yourself to fully feel them, and don’t dissociate yourself from any moments you are experiencing (this keeps the focus on reality, the present, and mindfulness!)

The caveats: This is not about false-confidence or over-confidence. And, it does take some learning how to have great inner-leadership so that you aren’t undermining your confidence!

However, once this type of confidence thinking is in place, you can start to live life in a way that is in alignment, present, free-flowing, real…very alive and empowered.

*btw animals naturally move through the world with this type of confidence