EGO = Emotional Growth Opportunity

I love it when I have things banked…Assets for future enjoyment or life improvement. In life coaching we sometimes call these reserves.

life coachingGreat things to have banked/reserves of:

  • Money
  • Episodes of your favorite TV show you haven’t watched yet
  • Goodwill of family and friends, because YOU are such a solid friend/person
  • Health
  • Home organization

The more things you have banked, the more reserves you have, the more and more assets you have to build upon to keep making yourself great, your life great…To keep being a better person, treating others well, living in alignment with your heart and your values, which leads to good results, building more reserves…Which keeps things building and building in good directions.

–> Now, side note, the longer and longer I coach, the more and more I notice how entrenched my positivity has become. Not some rah rah cheerleading fake positivity, but a legitimate ability to identify and focus on the assets in any situation such that they can be mined and utilized to the maximum. This is of great value and how I consistently help my clients achieve great results. You are about to see me be really positive about something largely considered one of the most negative things in human experience.

So, let’s talk about ego. For right now, I’m going to define ego as points of fear and constriction within our personality structure that tempt us to close our hearts down, act from fear, make poor decisions, have adult temper tantrums, and just generally act like jerks towards ourselves and others.

Ego sucks right? Well, yes, but…

Ego is also…




Seriously, if you have been dedicated to living your best life for a while, endeavoring to live with character and be happy/fulfilled, you probably have greatly reduced ego from your life. Because, ego does suck.

BUT! If you do identify a moment of ego…Congratulations! You’ve just found an Emotional Growth Opportunity. An opportunity that you have banked to learn something that will PERMANENTLY benefit you once you learn from it/transcend it.

So, have a certain person you really have trouble keeping balanced around? [Ego.] Emotional Growth Opportunity banked! That’s an asset.

Find that you tend to be self-conscious about your appearance in certain circumstances? [Ego.] Emotional Growth Opportunity banked! That’s an asset.

Tend to get frustrated about a certain situation that keeps cropping up at work? [Ego.] Emotional Growth Opportunity banked! That’s an asset.

In coaching, we cash in all of these assets and turn them into progress, sustained change, happiness, increased performance, freedom, consciousness and fulfillment.

It’s just one of the things we do. 😉